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Eastern District

Division 2 League


Governing Rules/By-Laws

Each person having any responsibility whatsoever for any team participating in the Eastern District Division 2 League is responsible for reading and understanding the Rules of Competition.  In the event charges of infraction of any of the regulations contained herein are made against a club, team, coach or any other team representative, claims by said accused person of ignorance of these regulations will not be considered an available defense to said charges.  Each Association registering a team playing in the Inter-Association League is responsible to see to it that any person having responsibility for any team receives a copy of the rules and regulations.




1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Eastern District Division 2 League (D2L).




2.1 It shall be the purpose of this Eastern District Division 2 League to administer, with the guidance of the sponsoring associations, a level of  inter-association play for Division 2 teams. The D2L shall administer the inter-association play for teams participating within the Eastern District of the South Texas Youth Soccer Association (STYSA).


2.2 The D2L shall be a nonprofit organization, reporting to the Sponsoring Associations, incorporated in the State of Texas.  The D2L shall be subject to the rules presented in its Governing Rules/ By-Laws (“Governing Rules”)and Rules of Competition.




    1. The D2L’s Sponsoring Associations shall be affiliated with STYSA and the United States Youth Soccer Association ("USYSA").  The League shall be subject to the rules presented in its Governing Rules/By-Laws, the rules of STYSA and, by extension, United States Youth Soccer (USYS), United States Soccer Association Federation (USSF), and FIFA.


Any association which is a member in good standing and eligible to register  teams within the Eastern District of South Texas shall be eligible to nominate teams for play within this D2L.




    1. The D2L Governing Board of Directors (“Governing Board” or “Board”) shall be constituted by the Sponsoring Associations, as represented by one representative from each Sponsoring Association and shall provide a coordinated focus for contact with the Sponsoring Associations, and member associations of STYSA Eastern District.


4.2 The sponsoring associations shall be Bay Area Youth Soccer Association, Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association, Brazosport Youth Soccer Association, East Lake Youth Soccer Association, Houston Youth Soccer Association, Katy Youth Soccer Association, Timberline Youth Soccer Association.


4.3 Sponsoring Associations which have less than 5 teams in the D2L for two consecutive years shall lose their status as Sponsoring Associations and any rights attendant thereto, but may continue to enter teams for league play..


4.4 A Sponsoring Association shall  select one Governing Board member and such board member shall represent such Sponsoring Association at the Governing Board meetings.  Any Sponsoring Association may replace its Governing Board member at any time and for any reason.


4.5 A chairperson of the Governing Board shall be elected by the members of the Governing Board each May and such chairperson shall continue to act as chairperson for one year or until replaced by the relevant Sponsoring Association.  If the chairperson is replaced by their Assocation or resigns the Vice Chairperson will serve as Chairperson until a new Chairperson is elected by the Board. The chairperson shall not be eligible to vote on any matter unless necessary to break a tie.


4.6 Any association which is eligible to send teams to participate in the D2L may have a representative attend Governing Board meetings and, if permitted by the Governing Board, participate on an advisory basis.


4.7 Any Sponsoring Association may withdraw from its participation in the D2L and/or the Governing Board at any time, by 90 days notice to the remaining Sponsoring Associations.


4.8 The Governing Board shall have the authority to levy fees and fines on any teams which participate in the D2L and on the association in which the players on such teams are registered, as permitted by its Governing Rules and Rules of Competition.




  1. The business, property and activities of the D2L shall be managed by a Governing Board of Directors (the "Governing Board” or “Board").  The Board will consist of one director from each Sponsoring Association. Director Positions on the Governing Board shall be as follows:


  1. Chairperson

  2. Vice Chairperson

  3. Treasurer

  4. Secretary

  5. Boys Commissioner

  6. Girls Commissioner

  7. Discipline and Protest Coordinator


5.2 The duties of the Governing Board shall be as follows:


5.2.1 Interpret and enforce the D2L's Governing Rules and Rules of Competition and decisions of the Board;

5.2.2 Establish all D2L fees and charges;

5.2.3 Establish and administer all D2L rules;

5.2.4 Resolve all disputes, protests and appeals therefrom, except as provided otherwise in the D2L's Governing Rules and Rules of Competition or when the D2L’s authority to do so is superseded by STYSA or USYSA;

5.2.5 Establish and coordinate or approve all D2L play;

5.2.6 Adopt a budget and approve all expenditures not budgeted; and,

5.2.7 Carry out all other duties and responsibilities as specified in the D2L's Governing Rules and Rules of Competition.


  1. Board Members shall receive no compensation for their services to the D2L.





6.1 The operations of the league shall be managed by paid administrators, as needed and hired by the Board.  The administrators shall be as follows:


6.1.1 League Coordinator

6.1.2 Scheduler/Scorekeeper

6.1.3 Referee Coordinator / Assignor


6.2 The administrators should attend all board meetings, except when in executive session, but shall not have voting authority in such meetings.


6.3 The administrators shall remain in their position until they resign or are replaced by a 2/3 vote of the Board. In the event of a resignation a duly qualified temporary replacement may be appointed by the Chairperson until a permanent replacement is appointed by the Board.  




  1. The D2L shall administer its own budget and set fees formulated and approved by the Board.


  1. Officers and Directors who are authorized to collect and disburse funds may be bonded.


  1. The budget year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.


  1. The Sponsoring Associations of the League shall be financially responsible for any liabilities and/or debts created in the running of the League.  




  1. The Rules of Competition shall govern play of the game within the D2L.  Additionally, the Governing Board shall adopt and publish such rules for youth players as may be required by STYSA or USYSA and/or the needs of the D2L to operate an orderly soccer program.  All competitions sponsored by the D2L shall be planned and administered in cooperation with the Eastern District associations of STYSA in accordance with STYSA and USYSA rules and regulations. Consider using DDL rules of competition for consistency.




9.1 The Governing Board shall conduct quarterly meetings or may meet more often, if the Chairperson deems it necessary, at a time and place made known to each of the board members.  Meetings can be telephonic at discretion of the board. No notice of a regularly scheduled meeting shall be required unless a change of time or place is necessary.


9.2 Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a simple majority of the Board Members by placing notice by electronic mail to all Board members at least ten (10) days prior to such special meeting.  A special meeting may only attend to the specified business for which the meeting was called.


9.3 Board members must be present at any meeting to vote, except that Sponsoring Associations may appoint an alternate by written or verbal notice to the chairperson of the Governing Board.  Such alternate may attend Board meetings and may vote in the absence of the board member substituted. Votes by proxy will not be allowed, except as otherwise set forth herein. On all matters each board member shall have one (1) vote.


9.4 Except as otherwise set forth herein, a majority vote of a quorum of the Board shall decide all matters except for amendments to D2L's Governing Rules.


9.5 The normal order of regular business meetings shall be as follows:


    1. Call to order and roll call;

    2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s);

    3. Guest(s);

    4. Financial report;

    5. Chairperson's report;

    6. Old business;

    7. New business;

    8. Committee reports;

    9. Adjournment.


9.6 The Chairperson may modify the order of presentation of any meeting's business to accommodate guests, Board members or to bring about the efficient handling of matters.  All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rule of Order, Revised unless specified elsewhere in this Governing Rules or STYSA or USYSA rules of order.





11.1 The Board shall transact all business of the D2L and shall have the power to enforce the Governing Rules/Bylaws and Rules of Competition of the D2L, STYSA and USYSA.  It shall have the power to decide and settle all disputes, appeals and protest.


11.2 The Chairperson shall:


  1. Preside at all meetings of the Board;

  2. Appoint, subject to the approval of the Board, and supervise the activities of the Administrator, if any;

  3. Supervise the activities of the Administrators;

  4. Provide guidance to teams and Associations regarding rules and regulations other than the Laws of the Game;

  5. Appoint, subject to Board approval, such committees as may be required for the proper operation of the D2L;

  6. Attend Eastern District  meetings of STYSA;

  7. Represent the D2L at all public functions requiring D2L attendance;

  8. Present an annual report on the operations and financD2L condition of the D2L, and;

  9. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governing Board.


  1. The Vice Chairperson shall:


  1. Succeed to the duties and responsiblitites of the Chairperson in his / her absences;

  2. Coordinate the activities of the Boys and Girls Commissioners;

  3. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.4 The Secretary shall:


  1. Record minutes of each Board meeting and distribute in a timely manner to the Board;

  2. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.5 The Treasurer shall:


    1. Prepare an annual budget and present to the Governing Board for review and approval;

    2. Keep the financial books and records of the D2L in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  Payment shall only be made for expenses approved by the Board and all checks in excess of $1,000 drawn against an D2L account shall bear the signature of the Treasurer and the Chairperson.  In the absence of the Treasurer or Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson may sign checks;

    3. Utilize an automated payment system for the payment of referee and refeee related services;

    4. Provide monthly financial statements to the Governing Board and Administrators;

    5. Coordinate the filing of tax returns, if necessary;

    6. Retain the services of a Certified Public Accountant to prepare an annual review of the books and record of the D2L, if required by the Governing Board and;

    7. Coordinate the purchase of awards and/or patches to be distributed to participating teams, and;

    8. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.6 The Boys Commissioner shall:


  1. Organize the selection of boys teams applying to participate in the League based upon selection criteria determined by the Board;

  2. Serve as the point of contact for boys teams participating in the League;

  3. Assist the Scheduler/Scorekeeper in the administration of the League for boys teams,

  4. Coordinate the purchase of awards, if any, to be distributed to League teams, and;

  5. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.7 The Girls Commissioner shall:


  1. Organize the selection of girls teams applying to participate in the League based upon selection criteria determined by the Board;

  2. Serve as the point of contact for girls teams participating in the League;

  3. Assist the Scheduler/Scorekeeper in the administration of the League for girls teams,

  4. Coordinate the purchase of awards, if any, to be distributed to League teams, and;

  5. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.8 The Discipline and Protest Coordinator shall:


11.8.1 Act as chairperson of the League D&P committee;

11.8.2 Act as a liaison between the D&P committee and the League Board, and;

11.8.3 Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.9 The League Coordinator shall:


    1. Liason with the Board on League matters as necessary;

    2. Coordinate with DDL Program Manager, as needed;

    3. Organize and coordinate team applications for each age division;

    4. Coordinate with the Boys and Girls Comissioners, as appropriate;

    5. Communicate with team contacts as appropriate;

    6. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Board.


  1. The Scheduler/Scorekeeper shall:


    1. Organize and coordinate the scheduling of each age division throughout the D2L;

    2. Coordinate with the Boy’s and Girl’s Commissioners, as appropriate;

    3. Prepare schedules for all D2L playoff play;

    4. Coordinate and disseminate all necessary information relating to D2L play and play-offs to all coaches, and;

    5. Collect game reports, verify scores, keep accurate records and confirm standings of all D2L play on a regular basis;

    6. Submit a list of all cautions and ejections recorded on the game reports to the D&P Coordinator.

    7. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Board.


11.11 The Referee Coordinator / Assignor shall:


    1. Develop a coordinated system to assure that all sanctioned play is properly officiated;

    2. Assist the Treasurer to insure payment for all referee and referee services;

    3. Act as a liaison between the D2L and all other referee associations in the Eastern District of STYSA, and

    4. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Board.




12.1 Any director or administrator may be removed from their office in the D2L after three consecutive unexcused absences from regular Board meetings, or for gross neglect of assigned D2L duties or misconduct.  This action shall take place only after appropriate counseling with the individual, and after a hearing by the Board. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum of the Board is required to remove such administrator or director from their position.




13.1 The Discipline and Protest Committee shall be a standing committee of the D2L under the following powers:


13.1.1 This committee shall be chaired by the D&P Coordinator and constituted of members approved by the Board;

13.1.2 The Committee shall maintain records of all disciplinary offenses and enforcement of any sanctions of any such offenses;

13.1.3 The Committee shall report at each regular meeting of the D2L on rulings and violations occurring since the last regular meeting.

13.1.4 The Committee shall investigate all formal complaints referred to it by the Governing Board against Registering Associations, Administrators or Directors which are not in accord with the D2L's purpose as set forth in its Governing Rules/Bylaws;

13.1.5 The Committee shall have the power to take disciplinary action against  Sponsoring Associations, D2L Administrators or Directors, and players, coaches and teams playing within the D2L;

13.1.6 The Committee shall make the ruling on all game forfeits, protests, grievances, appeals and disciplinary matters within its jurisdiction;

13.1.7 The Committee shall conduct such other investigations as shall be directed by the Governing Board.


13.2 The formation of standing committees as well as any SpecD2L Committees shall require the approval of the Board.  It shall be the duty of these committees to perform such services as defined in the Governing Rules and Rules of Competition or as instructed by the Board.




14.1 Amendments to the Governing Rules can be made only in the following manner:


14.1.1 Each Board member and each Sponsoring Association shall be given twenty-eight (28) days written notice of the proposed amendment(s);  

14.1.2 At any meeting of the Governing Board such amendment must pass by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board Members of the D2L.




15.1 The D2L may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Sponsoring Associations, provided that each Sponsoring Association has received ninety (90) days written notice of the proposed action.  

15.2 In the event that the D2L is dissolved or ceases to function, the Board shall make provisions to pay all D2L liabilities.  Assets of the D2L shall be disposed of to pay D2L liabilities and any balance remaining after payment of all known D2L liabilities shall be disbursed to the Sponsoring Associations, if permitted by law, or if not, such Boards established exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt Board or Boards under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).

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